Juicing Wheatgrass At Home

A smoothie is one of the most delicious, nutritious and filling drinks ever invented. They are so popular for people of all ages that kids request it of their moms as a snack of choice before and after school. The most basic ingredient in a smoothie is fruit, but milk or yogurt added to it makes it smooth and creamy.

Juicing WheatGrass Powder has proved to be very effective throughout the years; and it is usually applied to individuals that need to improve their digestive system and blood circulation. It also helps to prevent cancer and aids in the body's natural detoxification process. It will help to alkalize the blood and regulate the thyroid's function. It will also suppress your appetite and boost your immune system. Wheatgrass contains a lot of chlorophyll, so it will help to reduce your chance of colon cancers and other digestive problems.

Think about it. Are you eating two to three servings of fresh wild fish, high in omega 3s, each week? Are you eating tons of raw leafy greens, broccoli and other fresh fruit and veggies of multiple colors? How about lean protein with every meal? Grains? Legumes? Unprocessed carbs?

Green superfoods also help your body cleanse. These are usually found in juice or powder form. Some examples are kelp, chlorella, chlorophyl, barley grass and wheatgrass juice.

In the 20's and 30': Dr. Charles Schnabel, a Kansas City scientist added "greens" to chicken feed and the egg production rose from 38% to 94%! He reasoned if it works for chickens, it should work for children! Dr. Schnabel gave his family and neighbors dehydrated grass juice..."None of his children ever had a serious illness or a decayed tooth."- Buffalo Courier Express - June 1, 1942.

Juicing has many benefits but most people complain that juicing is too time consuming! If you don't have time during the week, set aside some time during the weekend to click here juice. You can also juice the night before, store it in the refrigerator, and then enjoy it the next day.

Eating the right foods is the most important way to nourish our bodies. We can easily get into the habit of eating the same foods all the time. It is so important to vary our diets in order to ensure we are getting more of a variety of nutrients.

The final type of colon cleanse that we will consider is the natural colon cleanse. This is done by means of herbs and vegetables as well as a semi-fasting regimen. This works well and tends to be a little gentler than the colon cleanse products that you buy at the store. The best part about it is that you are aware of everything that goes into your body which is not the case when you're taking a pill or a scoop of powder.

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